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Global TechPro Initiatives

This section explains the accessibility initiatives at Global TechPro, LLC, including:


Section 508 Compliance

On June 25, 2001, accessibility requirements for Federal electronic and information technology took effect under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. This law requires that such technology be accessible according to standards developed by the Access Board, which are now part of the Federal government's procurement regulations.

It is now federally mandated that Federal Web sites need to be designed so that every citizen, including the 54 million people with disabilities, can access the information.

While Section 508 covers a broad range of technologies, a key concern among many Federal agencies is access to Web sites, often the primary portal to an agency's information and services. The provisions for Web sites in the 508 standards focus on the interaction with various assistive products people with vision impairments use to access the Internet and other computer-based information. Common among these products are screen readers, which translate what's on a computer screen into automated audible output, and refreshable Braille displays.

The standards seek to ensure that Web pages and the information they contain are fully available to the users of these assistive technologies. For example, certain conventions, such as verbal tags or identification of graphics and format devices, are necessary so that these devices can "read" them for the user in a sensible way. However, use of graphics or animation are not prohibited or discouraged. Website provisions also address image maps, style sheets, scripting languages, applets and plug-ins, and electronic forms.


Section 1194.22 Web-based Internet information and applications - Detail Voluntary Product Accessibility Template


Accessibility Research

The Global TechPro staff continues to conduct research on the compatibility of its web solutions to improve accessibility of its products by individuals with disabilities.

Related Resources

The Government has a number of Web sites with helpful information:



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